Your home is under contract, what’s next?

by Jeremy Parks

Your home is under contract, what’s next?

Your home is under contract, what’s next? Great news, you’ve put your dream home under contract and you’re excited to move in one day soon. That said, there’s a lot that has to happen before you can take occupancy: home inspection, appraisal, financing paperwork, contingencies and other requirements necessary to close. Here’s what you can expect to happen over the coming weeks.   Due Diligence   Now that the home is yours to negotiate...

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What will be your payment on your new home?

by Jeremy Parks

What will be your payment on your new home?

What will be your payment on your new home? Buying a new home can be overwhelming. Between understanding the financial aspects of your loan and all the paperwork required to buy your home, things can get a little crazy. One of the biggest parts of getting a new home is figuring out the terms and conditions of your mortgage. Two of the biggest areas that impact your loan are your credit and your down payment. In this post, we’ll cover both and also explain how to determine the...

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10 questions you must ask an agent before you list your home

by Jeremy Parks

10 questions you must ask an agent before you list your home

10 questions you must ask an agent before you list your home Currently, there are over 1.61 million Realtors in the United States alone. The number of people that have joined the real estate sales force over the last 10 years is more than a half a million.. No two agents are the same and less than 10% of the total number of Realtors to 90% of the business. In fact, the average agent has sold roughly 4.2 homes for more than five years now. In addition to that, not all agents are created equally....

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How to beat other buyers to hot, new listings (Before they even know about them)

by Jeremy Parks

How to beat other buyers to hot, new listings (Before they even know about them)

How to beat other buyers to hot, new listings (Before they even know about them) Buyers want three things when they’re making a purchase: Selection: Have the largest number of options from which to choose Price: Get a smoking hot deal on what I want to buy Ease of doing business: Don’t make it hard for me to buy it It doesn’t matter if they’re buying shoes, a toaster or a house, all three of them matter and they usually matter in that order. And when...

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When is the Best Season of the Year to Buy to get the Best Deal

by Jeremy Parks

When is the Best Season of the Year to Buy to get the Best Deal

When is the Best Season of the Year to Buy to get the Best Deal The housing market here in the United States has been moving at a blistering pace for a while now. On the whole, home prices increased more than 33% from February 2020 to June 2022. What’s even better news is that It’s expected that the housing market will continue to climb in the future — albeit a little more slowly now — due to the changes that were made in the lending market coming out of the mortgage...

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